duminică, 15 martie 2009

Pollution Quiz

Colegiul National de Arta “Octav Bancila” Iasi
Comenius Multilateral Project 2008-2010
Lichens and Atmospheric Pollution

Atmospheric Pollution Quiz

1.The atmospheric pollution is important for:
A: the aliens
B: our ancestors
C. ourselves and the generation to come
D: the solar system

2.Which of the following events make pollution occur?
A: burning petrol in cars and lorries
B: spilling chemicals in rivers and lakes, spilling oil in the oceans
C: nuclear experiments/accidents in the oceans
D: all already mentioned

3.Is there any natural resource that can cause pollution? If yes, which one?
A: fossil fuels
B: forest fires
C: oil spills
D: Volcanic eruption

4.What are the lichens?
A: a symbiotic partnership between a green alga and a fungus
B: a superior plant
C: a root
D: a fruit

5.What do lichens indicate?
A: pollution
B: friendship
C: cold days
D: fog

6.What types of lichens do you know?
A: crustose (flat and crusty)
B: foliose (leafy)
C: fucticose (shrubby)
D: all the above and combinations

7.When driving, gases and dust raise into the atmosphere. What do they form afterwards?
A: acid rain
B: rain
C: clouds
D: snow

8.What do you think it happens when people dump toxic wastes from homes or factories into oceans, lakes, rivers?
A: they flow to other waters
B: they kill animals and plants living there
C: they cause water pollution
D: B and C

9.How do people pollute the land?
A: littering
B: recycling
C: storing
D: walking

10. Is it important to conserve water and why?
A: we all need it to survive
B: it’s nice to drink when it’s hot outside
C: we need it to swim
D: we need water to play

11.Which of these is a way to reduce pollution?
A: use the school/company bus
B: take the public transport bus
C: recycle
D: all mentioned

12.Three of the main ways to conserve the Earth resources start with the letter R. What are they?
A: restaure, reuse, recycle
B: rewind, reuse, recycle
C: reduce, reuse, recycle,
D: revive, reduce, recycle

13.Which of the following things can you recycle?
A: paper
B: steel
C: polystyrene
D: silk

14.Which of these are natural resources on our planet?
A: water
B: minerals
C: air
D: all already mentioned

15.Which of the following are non-renewable resources on our planet?
A: metals
B: sunlight
C: wind
D: plants

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